Enough Imperial Crusades
Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Marcus Garvey and the age of terror

Venezuela, America's anti-universe
Hugo Chavez, a war veteran, wears civilian clothes while his US counterpart, George W Bush, who evaded a war he supported, cannot appear often enough in a military uniform. Chavez raised taxes to pay down Venezuela's debt, while Bush regards taxing billionaires as something close to unconstitutional. Quantum physicists have a name for what we see here: parallel universes

Venezuela Opposition Refuses Recall Audit

De facto dictatorship USA

Enough Imperial Crusades
The Alternative to Armed Intervention in Darfur is not Passive Resignation, but Support for an African Union-led Solution

How to steal Sudanese oil
while pretending to be a "humanitarian"

According to Walter Kansteiner, US Under-secretary of State for African affairs, African oil "has become a national strategic interest". Ed Royce, the influential Republican senator for California and chairman of the Congress African subcommittee, maintains "African oil should be treated as a priority for US national security post 9-11" . Congress and the White House have yet to make this strategy official.

Flashback Sudan's Darfur crisis and US/European concern

Aristide Foe's Murder Acquittal Decried as Sham

Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu
Speak to Democracy Now! in First Nat'l U.S. Interview

US suspends Halliburton decision

US army to prune Halliburton bills

An occupier’s nightmare
When war enters a country, it produces lies like sand. Not my words, but those of an anonymous German saying. And we all know that there is an awful lot of sand in Iraq.

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