Venezuela and Chavez's Victory
Posted: Monday, August 16, 2004

Photo credited to AFP
Look out! On 15 August I am going to hit [a home run]
so hard that it will land in the gardens of the White House -
Hugo Chavez, speaking during Alo Presidente, 1 Aug 2004

Chavez celebrates victory

Why Venezuela has Voted Again
for Their 'Negro e Indio' President

Why He Crushed the Oligarchs
The Importance of Hugo Chávez

The turn-out in Venezuela last Sunday was huge. 94.9 percent of the electorate voted in the recall referendum. Venezuela, under its new Constitution, permitted the right of the citizens to recall a President before s/he had completed their term of office. No Western democracy enshrines this right in a written or unwritten constitution. Chavez' victory will have repercussions beyond the borders of Venezuela. It is a triumph of the poor against the rich and it is a lesson that Lula in Brazil and Kirchner in Argentina should study closely. It was Fidel Castro, not Carter, whose advice to go ahead with the referendum was crucial. Chavez put his trust in the people by empowering them and they responded generously. The opposition will only discredit itself further by challenging the results.

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Venezuela and Chavez's Victory

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