Toro! The Challenge Of Hugo Chavez
Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2004

Today Iraq, tomorrow Iran

The Handover Fiction
Most legends contain a small grain of truth, but none is to be found in the fraudulent images being presented each day by the BBC (and the US networks). The print media is not much better. Official propaganda is constantly repeated in sentences such as: "On June 28 the United States and its coalition partners transferred sovereign control of Iraq to an interim government headed by prime minister Ayad Allawi. The transfer of sovereignty ended more than a year of American-led occupation".

Slaughter as US forces attack Najaf

War? What war?
Until the recent flare-up in Najaf, Iraq had faded from the front pages -- despite continued carnage and chaos. Team Bush couldn't be happier.

Muzzling begins in Iraq

Bush: ‘I know what I’m doing’

Bush’s verbal gaffes are no longer a laughing matter.
No one could have captured any better the essence of our hapless president than Ms. Lilly when she wrote, “I watched President Bush’s April 13 press conference. In my 73 years, I have never seen or heard such stumbling, bumbling ignorance by an American president. He never fully answered one question and deliberately rambled on in order to kill time and answer fewer questions. This illiterate man is an embarrassment to our country.”

CARICOM's Action on Haiti:
Honor for a Few, Shame for Most

Toro! The Challenge Of Hugo Chavez
Chavez has not only been defiant in the very face of danger, he has been phenomenally resilient. In political terms, he has risen from the dead. He has rallied the support of his people, the working poor and the disenfranchised. He has led the resistance to globalization, which is nothing more than a corporate license to exploit second and third world nations.

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Big Test for Embattled Populist

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