Give Up 'Delusional Hope' of Iraq WMD
Posted: Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The real reasons Bush went to war
There were only two credible reasons for invading Iraq: control over oil and preservation of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. Yet the government has kept silent on these factors, instead treating us to the intriguing distractions of the Hutton and Butler reports.

Baghdad is a city that reeks with the stench of the dead

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Why Americans Believe
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Give Up 'Delusional Hope' of Iraq WMD, Kay Says
U.S. officials should give up the "delusional hope" that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction so they can move forward with reform, David Kay, who once led the U.S. hunt for banned weapons, said on Wednesday.

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Under the cover of "war on terror", the US and its "coalition" of lackeys are conducting a war of injustice, abuse of human rights and atrocities of enormous magnitude against defenceless people, and in violation of international laws and norms of civilized nations.

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