In WM-Denial
Posted: Wednesday, July 7, 2004

Sovereignty and Freedom in Iraq
Sovereignty means ruling over others, being in charge. The US, invaders and occupiers of Iraq, who called themselves liberators and democracy builders, returned sovereignty to chosen Iraqis on June 28th, 2004. The US military remained to protect the appointed government, assist security and continue rebuilding.

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Land Of The Occasionally Free

Hey, America - It's not always about you
You can never say this without hurting the feelings of at least some Americans, but it needs to be said. At the stone-laying ceremony of July 4 on the site where the World Trade Center towers formerly stood, New York state governor George Pataki dedicated the building that is to replace them with the rhetoric that is standard in the United States on such occasions: "Let this great Freedom Tower show the world that what our enemies sought to destroy - our democracy, our freedom, our way of life - stands taller than ever." But 9/11 wasn't really about any of that.

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How the Press was Misled From Day One

Washington Refuses to Relinquish
Legal Authority to 'Sovereign' Iraq

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