George Bush's Lies Grow Bigger
Posted: Saturday, June 19, 2004

Honesty will have to wait

U.S. Strikes 'Al Qaeda Safe House' in Iraq, 22 Dead

In an effort to keep the propaganda about an Iraq al-Qaeda link running, the US calls this attack on a home in Iraq that killed women and children, 'an attack on an al-Qaeda safe house'. This is just part of their ongoing lies and attempt to distract US voters from the 9/11 panel report which states there were no ties between Iraq and al-Qaeda an argument Bush and Blair have uses repeatedly in an attempt to legitimize their invasion of Iraq.

U.S. Air Strike Kills 22 in Iraq - Witnesses

US killed hundreds of Iraqis in "precision" strikes

Brazening It Out
"The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al-Qaeda," U.S. President George W. Bush told reporters Thursday, is "because there was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda."

Turning Haiti into One Big Sweatshop

Footsteps of a Fool

Mohammed Atta's industrial-strength passport
"Mohammed Atta's passport is conveniently found (in perfect shape) near the wreckage of the WTC, despite the four black boxes (designed to survive such impacts) from the planes being allegedly destroyed."

A war sold on deception

Leaders of 9/11 Panel Ask Cheney for Reports

Think Tanks and the Brainwashing of America

Tracing the Halliburton money trail to Nigeria

George Bush's Big Lie Grows Bigger
George Bush understands that most Americans don't have the time, energy, or interest necessary to keep up with current events. How else can we explain the paradox of his expanding claims of close connections between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein and the 9-11 Commission's statement on the same day that there were none?

American beheaded in Saudi Arabia
¥ Things that make you go hmmm......

Hostage's Slayers Die in Shootout
¥ How Convenient


Industrial nations
tie foreign aid to support for “war on terror”

Here in Baghdad,
you can't tell the puppets without a program

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