How America armed Iraq
Posted: Sunday, June 13, 2004

UK accused of ballot fraud, vote-stealing
BRITAIN which — together with the United States — claims to be the champion of democracy, has been hit by allegations of ballot fraud and vote-stealing.

Four-year turned away from British polling station with valid voting slip
UK police probe postal vote fraud claims

Flashback Vote Fraud And The Bankruptcy Of The United States

Calls for Blair to quit

Ronnie & Saddam
It was just before Christmas 1983 that Donald Rumsfeld, then US presidential envoy to Iraq, slipped quietly into Baghdad to come face to face with the man who would become one of America’s greatest enemies within two decades. The trip by the current US defence secretary, to pledge US support for Saddam Hussein, marked one of the lowest points of the entire Reagan presidency, and symbolically represents the real legacy of the “Great Communicator”.

How America armed Iraq

Iraqi education official killed

3,000 held in America's global gulag
The United States government, in conjunction with key allies, is running an "invisible" network of prisons and detention centres into which thousands of suspects have disappeared without trace since the "war on terror" began. In the past three years, thousands of alleged militants have been transferred around the world by American, Arab and Far Eastern security services, often in secret operations that by-pass extradition laws.

Iraq Car Bombing Kills 12; Official Slain
Iraqi university professor murdered
Iraqi minister, cleric assassinated
Captives' throats slit in Iraq

Abu Ghraib torture 'was approved at senior level'
Compelling new evidence emerged yesterday that torture techniques used at Abu Ghraib prison were either endorsed or encouraged high up the US military chain of command, and that complaints by at least five military policemen assigned to "soften up" prisoners for interrogation were disregarded by their superiors for several months.

Use of Dogs to Scare Prisoners Was Authorized

Man beaten so long and so severely his kidneys failed

Afghan polls delayed again

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