Lies Upon Lies Upon Lies
Posted: Saturday, June 12, 2004

Not Really a Puppet Government?
These are not America's puppets. This is a terrific list and really good government, and we're very pleased with the names that emerged.
Condoleeza Rice, U.S. National Security Advisor

The Worm That Turned As Thousands Died

Where have all of Uncle Sam's friends gone?
President George W. Bush revelled in the role of the amiable host. And rightly so. He did it well. But while his guests extolled his hospitality and hammed it up with him for the media, they all made sure to signal to their own electorates that they retained their independence and had not become beholden to Mr Bush.

Blown away: how America bombs its friends

When laws get in the way of torture

Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Why Are We Surprised?

A torturer's charter

Hypocrisy: The US Government's Biggest Single Problem
The biggest single problem the federal government has is its hypocrisy. It talks one way and acts another. It talks of spreading democracy while supporting dictators; it blathers about human rights while violating them; and it claims to promote the rule of law while scoffing at laws it considers inconvenient.

Lies Upon Lies Upon Lies

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