The myth of the reluctant occupier
Posted: Monday, May 24, 2004

Iraqi city of Karbala left in ruins by US military

A Lie By Any Other Name Still Smells

Bomb Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

The Nicholas Berg execution
This article aims to shed light on the apparent execution by beheading of Nicholas Berg . I believe that most of the available evidence surrounding the case suggests that it was a "black operation"by US psychological warfare specialists, the purpose of which was to provide the media with a "moral relativity" argument to counter the adverse publicity over torture at Abu Ghraib prison.

The Picture Gets Worse

An Abut Ghraib Photo We Didn't See on the Front Page of the NYTs

Flashback Evidence points to US cover-up of Afghan massacre

War Crimes & Double Standards

Iraq Resolution Gives Wide Powers to U.S. Forces
Well it is a good time to explore these bogus ideas that the US is proposing for Iraq. Those who are aware of African history and colonialism should be familiar with these ideas that are based on further exploiting the people they consider inferior to them.
Anyhow, read on.... - Ayinde

Britons killed in Baghdad blast

U.S. Adventure in Iraq Amounts to Big Con Job

Which bumbling fumbling idiot should lead?

The myth of the reluctant occupier
Now a new orthodoxy is shaping comment and analysis about events in Iraq. Let's call it the "reluctant occupier myth".
Having removed Saddam and his cohorts from power and set Iraq on a path towards democracy, the US is now preparing to leave - the "Vietnamisation" of Iraq. It will find a smooth way out by returning sovereignty to a new Iraqi administration, initially on July 1 through the auspices of the UN and then early next year through democratic elections. Coalition forces, which don't want to be in Iraq a day longer than is necessary to "finish the job", will stay on for a time to "maintain" security, but only at the pleasure of a new interim government in Baghdad.
Like the earlier myths, this one is also a fabrication.

Israel remains in Rafah, storms Nablus

Did Somebody Say War?
How bad is the current situation? Gen. Anthony Zinni, the retired Marine Corps general who headed the U.S. Central Command (which covers much of the Middle East and Central Asia) from 1997 to 2000, was utterly dismissive about the administration's "stay the course" strategy in Iraq. "The course is headed over Niagara Falls," he said in an interview

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