U.S.: "Damn video and digital cameras"
Posted: Monday, May 3, 2004

Accumulate This
For centuries, military might has paved the way for the theft of people and nature in Africa, Asia and the Americas. A dead German called this process “primitive accumulation.” Later, people are legally looted of the wealth their energy creates when they become wage workers. A current example of primitive accumulation is underway today in Iraq. That Persian Gulf nation has much oil, an essential input for the global system, and desired by elites in rich countries. A fraction of them in the U.S. is leading the charge.

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'It ain't over but it is lost'
Unfortunately for Mr Bush, only those true believers who still accept as dogma anything that comes out of his mouth, regardless of how inane, pay any heed to such idiocy. For the rest of us, it is increasingly obvious that this May 1st will come to mark the end of the United States' always tenuous opportunity to win a military/political victory in Iraq.

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Damn video and digital cameras.
If not for the availability of these electronic devices, it is possible the world would have never viewed -- to its collective disgust -- the images of the hideous events that took place in the murky depths of the Abu Ghraib military prison.

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