If Radical Shi'ites Did Not Exist...
Posted: Wednesday, April 21, 2004

World oil crisis looms

Iraq and Vietnam
Confronted with the rising tide of Iraqi resistance in the wake of Fallujah, our president assures us it is only the remnants of Saddam loyalists and isolated foreign terrorists. Secretly, our generals know better. They have expanded the targets to include noncooperative journalists (Al Jazeera) and civilians who refuse to collaborate with the occupying force. Like Operation Phoenix in Viet Nam (a CIA operation that killed 20,000 South Vietnamese), we are targeting the very people we are supposed to be liberating.

Reality television
Al-Jazeera has a track record of accurate reporting - which is why its journalists have been criminalised and its offices bombed

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"If Radical Shi'ites Did Not Exist..."
...the West would have had to invent them. Well, of course they did. The modern anti-American wave of Shi'ite fundamentalists first appeared on the scene in Iran as a result of the CIA coup that put the Shah in power there.

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