IMF: U.S. Budget Deficits Threaten World
Posted: Friday, April 16, 2004

Turning into Israel?

Sharon's "Courageous" Plan
Bush Legitimizes Terrorism

So President George Bush tears up the Israeli-Palestinian peace plan and that's okay. Israeli settlements for Jews and Jews only on the West Bank. That's okay. Taking land from Palestinians who have owned that land for generations, that's okay. UN Security Council Resolution 242 says that land cannot be acquired by war. Forget it. That's okay.

Saudi blasts Bush for backing Sharon
Palestinians reject Bush, Sharon plans
Israel bans Palestinians aged over 35 from leaving Gaza

Dead Babies: Fallujah's Collateral Damage

CNN to Al Jazeera: Why Report Civilian Deaths?

The showdown
The climbdown
The backdown

The president's brain is missing
"I don't want to sound like I have made no mistakes. I'm confident I have. I just haven't. You just put me under the spot here, and maybe I'm not as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one."

The Madness of President George
Media Misunderestimates Bush... Again

The Crack-Up

The Wrongs of Spring and the Western Media

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Glaring by their absence - US friends in Iraq

IMF: U.S. Budget Deficits Threaten World

Things were better under Saddam

Get Out Now, Before We Are Thrown Out

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