US Complicity in Israel's Misdeeds
Posted: Friday, April 9, 2004

Rice does the job for Bush

Do these people seem "liberated" to you?
Well, Saddam has been out of power for over a year, and the WMDs are nowhere to be found. Iraqis still don't have reliable electrical service. There are more people in prison now in Iraq than there were when Saddam was running things. There is no longer a legal system, and women who could once go to school and hold jobs can no longer do so. American soldiers kick people's doors in and arrest them at will.

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US Complicity in Israel's Misdeeds
For three years, Sharon has done everything to prevent peace. He himself provoked the new uprising, re-invaded the occupied territories, destroyed the Palestinian Authority, forced Yasser Arafat into house arrest and launched an unprecedented, brutal campaign of assassinations, curfews, fences, destruction of property and random killing of Palestinians. The Israelis have killed about 2,700 Palestinians in the past three years, in contrast to about 700 Israelis killed in the same period.

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The making of hell in Iraq
US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice's testimony before the 9-11 Commission on Thursday was a highly touted event, but it quickly turned into a non-event. One got a feeling that one's house is on fire while the residents of that house are discussing last year's turbulent events.

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