Deception is the name of the game
Posted: Wednesday, March 31, 2004

US chose to ignore Rwandan genocide

Nine killed in Falluja attacks

Iraqis Drag U.S. Corpses Through Streets
9 Americans, including 4 civilians, killed in Iraq

ENOUGH!!! USA must leave Iraq - now!
Enough! Enough of illegal war, enough of illegal occupation, enough of dropping cluster bombs in civilian areas, enough of destroying civilian infrastructures, enough of targeting water supply, enough of machine-gunning three-year-old boys traveling with their families.

Now searching for Saddam's WMD 'intent'
U.S. weapons hunt shifts Iraq goalposts

Iraq Wmd Hunt Still Drawing Blanks
Continuing search finds no WMDs

Flashback Cheney: Iraq seeks mass destruction weapons

No facts, only motives, in Bush World

Iraq was invaded 'to protect Israel' - US official
Iraq under Saddam Hussein did not pose a threat to the United States, but it did to Israel, which is one reason why Washington invaded the Arab country, according to a speech made by a member of a top-level White House intelligence group.

Jewish settlement removal a 'big lie'

Deception is the game in Bush's US

Is Fix in at 9/11 Commission?

Rice told to testify before 9/11 hearing as Bush caves in
Main course: cooked Rice

Misspeaking, Lying and Complicit Reporting

Fox News and the Iraq War: Fact vs. Fox-tion

Gasoline Rises to 18-Year High

To the moon, George, to the moon

Staged Capture of Bin Laden Coming Soon

Costa Rica throws out Chavez foe

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