Gangsters in the White House
Posted: Tuesday, March 30, 2004

War Rationale: Version 10.0
In the year since the invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration has repeatedly shifted its justification for going to war and constantly changed its story on intelligence, the United Nations, reconstruction, political transition and the cost to the American taxpayer. More than anything, the administration's war in Iraq resembles a software program that, at first, works brilliantly, but then catches the user in a cycle of "fatal error" messages.

Bush Attacks Painfully Predictable

What's Brewing in Venezuela

U.S. Worried as Caribbean
Nations Defer on Haiti Leaders

Prozac Nation, UK

Israel, Suicide Nation

The Secret of Their Success
The New York Times has discovered the secret, and they printed it on the front page! On Monday, 29 March 2004, the Times reports "American soldiers shut down a popular Baghdad newspaper on Sunday and tightened chains across the doors after the occupation authorities accused it of printing lies that incited violence." Printing lies that incited violence? Glory be! Say it ain’t so!

Anti-US cleric's newspaper banned
Thousands voice anger after US gags Shiite paper

Arabs glued to TV news
but not to US-sponsored Al Hurra

Condoleezza's nonsense about Democracy

White House Agrees to Let Rice Answer Questions Publicly
Condoleezza Rice to testify on 9/11

Indian airforce chief's
"goodwill" France visit to buy warplanes

'This isn't America'
Last week an opinion piece in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz about the killing of Sheik Ahmed Yassin said, "This isn't America; the government did not invent intelligence material nor exaggerate the description of the threat to justify their attack." So even in Israel, George Bush's America has become a byword for deception and abuse of power.

Wolfowitz's Overconfidence

Chirac in crisis talks after crushing defeat

Gangsters in the White House
Whenever the Bush Administration gets criticized, it responds like Tony Soprano, and Bush's capos put a hit out on whoever dares to question the don.

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