Spanish Blowback: Iraq War Boomerangs
Posted: Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Debunking the Media's Lies about President Aristide

Haiti suspends ties with CARICOM

Chavez: Venezuela Won't
Recognize New Haitian Government

Israel promises more assassinations

Audiences for US journalists decline
Most American news media are experiencing a steady decline in audiences and are significantly cutting their investment in staff and resources, according to a report issued yesterday.

Don't Trust Newspapers

Bush Loses Spanish Election

Aznar Was Going Anyway:
The Truth About the Spanish Elections

Contrary to what American political pundits have been saying, former President Aznar was not cruising to an early victory prior to the bombings in Madrid. Remember, the Spanish people had overwhelming voiced opposition to Spain entering the Iraq war as an ally of Bush and Blair; their anger at Aznar for the deaths of their soldiers was ripe in their minds as was the economic turmoil this has caused for Spain. This in addition to the Basque problem that was troubling Madrid.

Power balance blown apart
Spain's voters have sent a series of dramatic messages that will resonate far beyond Spain, affecting relations within Europe, with the US and in terms of the "war on terror".

'You can't organise a war with lies'

Most Canadians believe US president lied to justify Iraq war

A brutal lesson for Blair

Spanish leader accuses Bush and Blair

Spanish Blowback: Iraq War Boomerangs
It was just last week, on the eve of the bloodiest act of terrorism in Europe's modern history, that Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director George Tenet warned that the U.S. administration's optimistic rhetoric on winning the "war on terrorism" was premature.

A Vindicated Hans Blix Returns to U.S.

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