Reign of terror follows US-backed coup
Posted: Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Caribbean Won't Help With Peacekeeping
Fourteen Caribbean nations rejected joining any peacekeeping force for Haiti Wednesday, criticizing Western nations in their response to the rebellion against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

A Typical American Coup
When one looks back at the history of Haiti, one can fully understand the motives driving US foreign policy toward the tiny Caribbean nation. It was the leading target of US intervention in the 20th century. In 1919, Woodrow Wilson had Haiti occupied, restored slavery, overthrew the parliamentary system, and basically turned it into a US plantation. Ever since then, the US has supported brutal dictators -- all of whom never had an embargo on them no matter how many atrocities they carried out.

Reign of terror follows US-backed coup

Regime Change in Haiti:
A Coup By Any Other Name

Bush Fails Democracy in Haiti

Haiti, Is That One of the Tahitian Islands?

Admit WMD mistake, survey chief tells Bush
David Kay, the man who led the CIA's postwar effort to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, has called on the Bush administration to "come clean with the American people" and admit it was wrong about the existence of the weapons.

Mismanaging the World

Haiti helping mend the U.S.-France rift
¥ Partners in crime

US says Iraq bombs do not mean security failing

But by the end of the day 220 lay dead

143 Murdered in "Liberated" Iraq

Israeli Organized Crime
Ok picture this. A group of masked men, armed with semiautomatic machine guns enter a bank. They lock the employees in a room, cover the surveilance cameras with trash bags, and steal millionsof dollars in cash. On the way in and out they spray bullets injuring 47 people on the street.

Racism kills

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