Is Haiti the U.S. backdoor to Cuba?
Posted: Monday, March 1, 2004

Caricom Must Reinstate Aristide Now!

U.S. Rep Maxine Waters:
Aristide Says 'I Was Kidnapped'

The fire this time in Haiti was US-fueled
The Bush administration appears to have succeeded in its long-time goal of toppling Aristide through years of blocking international aid to his impoverished nation

The overthrow of Haiti's Aristide:
A coup made in the USA

The violent overthrow and forced exile of Haiti's President Jean-Bertrand Aristide has ripped aside the democratic pretensions of Washington and the other major powers to expose the brutal and predatory character of resurgent imperialism. The actions taken by the US government in Haiti demonstrate the farcical character of its claims that the aim of the US invasion of Iraq was to inaugurate an era of democratization and freedom in the Middle East and around the world.

Haiti as Target Practice

US Sponsored Coup d'Etat

Déjà vu All Over Again in Haiti
When Americans see unrest, violence, rebellion or civil war in other nations on the TV news, they often rightly sympathize with the plight of the foreign citizens put at risk. Yet news is...well,, not history. Americans rarely realize that their own government, somewhere along the line, most likely contributed to the crisis du jour.

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