Throttled by history
Posted: Monday, February 23, 2004

George W. Bush's Bright Shining Lies
George Herbert Walker Bush's inauguration speech of 1989 makes more sense now than it did on that January day fifteen years ago. The elder Bush's "Thousand Points of Light" is a perfect metaphor for his son George Bush's constellation of bright shining lies. Like stars spangled across an ink-black sky, George Bush's lies seem to come in all magnitudes.

'Five Lies' Lives On

Bush Lies Uncovered

Suicide bomb kills 10 in Kirkuk
Oil pipeline blown up in Iraq

What Iraqis receive for their losses

Propaganda TV won't help the U.S.
Washington's aggressive public diplomacy campaign to improve America's image in the Middle East is failing to win Arab hearts and minds. No matter how slick the product, actions speak louder than words.

No polls, but Iraq gets sovereignty - and troops

Rights group slams Israeli violations

Bomb gives Israel case for the wall
¥ How convenient that Palestine would give Israel reason for the wall

America is Complicit in Illegal Wall

Throttled by history
Haiti's political class has failed it, but the first black republic has also been squeezed dry by a vengeful west

All in the (profiteering first) family

Iraq: Democracy Or Doublespeak?
Working on peoples fears, winding them up week by week, the warmongers achieved sufficient public panic that a war was inevitable.

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