Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil
Posted: Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Who Has got WMD's? Graph

A Bush Doctrine, of Sorts
There are many theories bandied about describing a "Bush doctrine." Some may argue such a term is oxymoronic, but to define the doctrine is not to suggest that it is coherent, strategic or that Bush is even in charge of it. Still, Bush is the man behind the teleprompter.

US terror laws 'damage human rights'
The United States' "war on terror" has been "extremely damaging" for human rights, and has been used as an excuse by totalitarian regimes to impose oppressive laws, a leading think tank said yesterday.

Documenting the Halliburton
Cheney Crimes and Controversies, Pt II

Flashback Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil

Serial Liar Bush Finally Gets Caught
"Many of these politicians have put exclamation marks where we put question marks." -- Former Chief UN Weapons Inspector Hans Blix.

Syria says Israel does not want peace,
benefits from US occupation of Iraq

Why Tony Blair fears the coming of President Kerry
For years, Blair's analysis of American politics has been simple, strategic and, ultimately, determinist. He believes that we live downstream from them. He believes that what happens in the US defines the limits of the possible for Britain, and thus for the Labour party.

John Kerry:The Cause of Israel is the Cause of America
We offer this unfettered pledge of fealty to Israel by John Kerry as yet more evidence that there's scarcely a dime's worth of difference between the major political candidates of both parties on the life-and-death issues of our time.

Arab silence over WMD scandal is perplexing

US says Iraqis, not foreign fighters, are behind attacks

It's Bush, stupid

Bush: Six impossible things, all before breakfast

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