What can we believe? Bush and Blair are lying
Posted: Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Car bomb kills 50 near Baghdad

Bush cried 'wolf' on Iraq's threat

Intelligence panel lacks independence
The creation of a special commission to look into the prewar assessment of Iraq's weapons capabilities falls woefully short of what the public deserves to know about the Bush administration's decision to go to war.

Calling Maj. Ritter
Ritter redux, revisited
Flashback Scott Ritter in His Own Words
Flashback The search for Iraqi WMD has become a public joke

Blair raised 'false expectations'
Tony Blair undermined the global fight against weapons proliferation by raising "false expectations" about Iraq's arsenal and by marginalising intelligence experts, Brian Jones, the key witness of the Hutton inquiry, has warned.

Bush's fuzzy thinking

Send the truth squad to the White House

Bush Doctrine, not evidence of weapons, led to war
Why Iraq?
The neoconservatives -- Wolfowitz, Perle & Co. -- we know, had been plotting war on Iraq and propagandizing for a U.S. invasion for years. But why did Bush sign on? Why did he make Iraq the first target of his doctrine? There was no tie between Saddam and 9-11, and Iraq seemed neither a grave nor an imminent threat.

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