Democracy: dollars determine who wins
Posted: Sunday, January 25, 2004

The 50 lies, exaggerations, distortions
and half truths that took Britian to war

Whatever the outcome of the Hutton inquiry and the vote on top-up fees, the central charge this paper has consistently made against Tony Blair is that he took this country to war in Iraq on a false pretext.

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Democracy: dollars determine who wins
"Polyarchy", Chomsky says, best describes a political system "of elite decision and periodic public ratification." Applying it to what passes for politics in the USA, he recalled in a recent interview that in the presidential elections of 2000 in the US, "about 75 per cent (of the population) regarded it as mostly a farce having nothing to do with them, a game played by rich contributors, party bosses, and the public relations industry."

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