Bush's Iraq: An Appointocracy
Posted: Thursday, January 22, 2004

Mad As Hell
"They misunderestimated me." Well, Dubya, I guess we did. Most Americans wanted to hear how you are going to reduce unemployment. We wanted to hear your plans for fixing exploding healthcare costs for families.

U.S. made Iraq a hotbed of terrorism: Russia

The Sorry State of the State of the Union

Bush Act Starts to Wear Thin
Non-Americans tuning in to George W. Bush's State of the Union address would have been disappointed. Even allowing for his domestic needs in an election year, it was riddled with disingenuous, at times dishonest, formulations as well as logical inconsistencies.

Bush Changes His WMD Claims
Jury still out on WMD, says Cheney

Al-Qaida will do Whatever it Takes
to Assure Bush is Re-elected

Certainly another attack on the scale of 9-11 would risk producing that result, even if al-Qaida had the resources for it. But a simple truck bomb in some U.S. city center a few months before the election, killing just a couple of dozen Americans, could drive voters back into Bush's arms and turn a tight election around. Al-Qaida is clever enough for that.

Bush's Iraq: An Appointocracy
'The people of Iraq are free," declared U.S. President George W. Bush in Tuesday's State of the Union address. The day before, 100,000 Iraqis begged to differ. They took to the streets of Baghdad shouting "Yes, yes to elections. No, no to selection."

Dry Drunk Confirmed?
"He tried to kill my Dad," the President once explained. But I believe there was more to this unnecessary war than that. I believe there was a method in Bush's madness, a method that most likely had as little to do with oil as it did to terrorism.

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