U.S: Masterminds of terror
Posted: Saturday, January 17, 2004

Propaganda And Secrets
Stop calling it a war. It was not a war. It was an invasion. The most powerful technically advanced military in the world invaded a hapless and defenseless pipsqueak nation that had been under embargo and intermittently bombed for twelve years. That's not a war. It's a rogue bully superpower taking what it wants.

Bushing the Limits
Why Bush's re-election campaign will sideline the War on Terror to appeal to Middle America

Saddam was a threat to the world: Powell

The real 'imminent threat'

With US help, Israel may boost missile production
With an expected boost in U.S. funding, Israel plans to step up production of Arrow missile interceptors to expand its missile defense system, diplomats and defense analysts said on Friday.

Israel answers to no one on nuclear weapons

Are You Going To Get Mad?
There are no weapons of mass destruction. In fact, the Iraqis had been saying that for years, and the Bush administration replied, "You're lying." Now we have this situation. The facts on the ground prove that the Iraqis, whom President Bush called liars, were telling the truth. What does that make Bush? It makes Bush either very badly mistaken or a liar.

Is Bush Doomed?
Arabs shun Bush: poll

U.N. Return To Iraq 'Terrible Mistake'
"The U.N. should not be in Iraq lest it would give legal respectability to the invasion and occupation of the oil-rich Arab country, or further promote the impression that it has collaborated against the Iraqi people,"

U.S. death toll in Iraq reaches 500

Continuing slaughter of Iraqi civilians, police, and US soldiers
Economic crisis, threats of Jihad, and more violence in Iraq

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Halliburton unit may be subject of criminal probe
Halliburton Gets More Iraq Work

Masterminds of terror

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