Damned Yankees
Posted: Thursday, January 15, 2004

Iraq war a product marketed by Bush to win elections

Finally, Bush Admits It: He Lied
Once again Bush and his top officials are responsible for an outrageous scandal whose monumental scale and grotesquely terrifying implications for our democracy make Watergate look like a fraternity prank. Yet the miscreants are getting away scot-free.

U.S. should get out of Iraq now

Protests grow against US-led occupation of Iraq
Violence across Iraq costs more lives

Condi's werewolves: More deceptions to justify war
Not to worry, she said. The violence in Iraq was "normal" postwar chaos that soon would pass. Just as Hitler's "werewolves" had attacked U.S. occupying forces in Germany in 1945, she said, Iraqi diehards were attacking U.S. forces today. As in Germany, it would come to nothing.

The New York Times whitewashes
Bush’s lies about Iraq

An editorial published January 11 in the New York Times, the leading US daily newspaper, demonstrates the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of what passes for liberalism in contemporary America.

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Damned Yankees

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