2003: The Year of the Fake
Posted: Saturday, January 10, 2004

What They Don't Want You To Know
The disaster in Iraq is rotting the Blairite establishment. Blair himself appears ever more removed from reality; his latest tomfoolery about the "discovery" of "a huge system of clandestine weapons laboratories", which even the American viceroy in Baghdad mocked, would be astonishing, were it not merely another of his vapid attempts to justify his crime against humanity. (His crime, and George Bush's, is clearly defined as "supreme" in the Nuremberg judgment.)

Five impolite questions for the president

Colin Powell Today And 11 Months Ago

The Story Behind Saddam's Arrest
U.S. accounts have portrayed Saddam's capture as a triumph of their high-tech innovation and old-fashioned ingenuity, but reports in the Middle East and off-the-record interviews reveal a version of events decidedly different from those already known

Shutting Up Saddam to Save Bush's Ass

Red Cross pushes for Saddam visit

Rice: No Evidence Iraq Moved WMD to Syria
The United States has no credible evidence that Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria early last year before the U.S.-led war that drove Saddam Hussein from power, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said Friday.

Flashback Report: Syria hiding Iraqi WMD

Phew! U.S Back into the Yellow

Fear of flying

Former treasury chief exposes 'blind' Bush
A former senior economic adviser to George Bush has made an astonishing attack on the president, saying that he was so disengaged in cabinet meetings that he "was like a blind man in a roomful of deaf people".

Six killed in bicycle bombing at mosque

US soldier 'killed taxi occupants for passing convoy'

US military kill Iraqi policemen
Canadian killed in possible ambush

Despite report, Cheney says war was justified

Flashback Dick Cheney's slimy business trail
Halliburton Subsidiary Serves Unsafe Food In Iraq

At record levels, euro up, dollar down
Oil, gas prices shoot up
Exports and weak dollar lift China trade surplus

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