They Lied!!!!
Posted: Friday, January 9, 2004

A false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive;
An intentional untruth; a falsehood.
Something intended or serving to convey a false impression;
An inaccurate or false statement.
To speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
To express what is false.

¤ The weapons that weren't
¤ US arms search team withdrawn from Iraq: report
¤ Questions About Iraq Weapons Haunt U.S. Election Year
¤ White House misled public on WMD
¤ US 'exaggerated Iraqi WMD threat'
¤ White House 'Systematically Misrepresented' Prewar WMD Claims
¤ US disbands Iraq team looking for WMD's
¤ US plays down withdrawal of Iraq weapons team
¤ Those WMDs: Bush's Case Weakens Further
¤ No proof links Iraq, al-Qaida, Powell says
¤ Chances of WMD find slipping

Pipe Dreams
The former Soviet republics surrounding the Caspian Sea--particularly Kazakhstan--have the potential to become the biggest oil-producing nations on earth.

Media AWOL
Hans Blix, the former United Nations chief weapons inspector, believes the Bush administration may "have given up on [finding] the weapons." Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair still claims the WMD exist and insists that they'll be found, and in a television interview, President Bush claims that there's no difference between weapons of mass destruction and weapons of mass destruction "programs."

Nine GIs Killed in Iraq Copter Crash

US troops on the march - out the army

No war makes rich gloomy

It's time to stop crying wolf
A door-to-door salesman comes to your house selling elephant inhibitors guaranteed to keep you safe from elephants. You ask, "How do I know it works?" He responds, "You don't see any elephants, do you?"

Weapons hunters pulled out of Iraq

A year all out of lies, lies and more lies
The year 2003 started with a hoax about weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq. It ended with a bogeyman in Libya. But still, both the US and the world are not any safer because of it.

Time for Bush to check Israel's nuclear facilities

Jeers greet Bush's migrants plan
Hispanic rights groups and illegal immigrants have lashed out at President George Bush's plan to overhaul immigration as an election-year ploy.

Iraq Mosque Blast Leaves 5 Dead, 37 Hurt

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