U.S. complicit in many atrocities
Posted: Saturday, January 3, 2004

Never Mind the WMDs, Just Look at History
In his Christmas message to British occupation troops in Iraq, Tony Blair, Britain's leader of the governing Labour Party assured them that there was "massive evidence of a huge system of clandestine laboratories" in Iraq.

Flashback Evidence of "huge" laboratory system found in Iraq: Blair

Who forged the Niger uranium papers?

Code Orange, Code Orange!

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Seeing no evil doesn't mean there is no evil

The new cold war

Israel in no hurry to clear the nuclear fog
For the Bush Administration to pressure Israel to declare its weapons of mass destruction and explain the circumstances under which they might be used would, at least, remove a glaring double standard in its often sanctimonious proclamations. And it would reassure moderate Arab neighbours. But such pressure is unlikely.

Libya cooperated fully with UN nuclear inspectors

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Seeing no evil doesn't mean there is no evil

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and tried alongside Saddam Hussein

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Although the quest for or preservation of "democracy" is often used as a justification for war, history has incessantly revealed that such a quest is often little more than a thinly-veiled attempt to install a puppet regime.

Was U.S. complicit in atrocities?
So now it looks as if our Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was rather friendly with Saddam Hussein - a.k.a. The Monster - back in the 1980s, when Rumsfeld was working for the Reagan administration. This according to newly declassified documents that were never intended to see the light of day.

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