UN hands over Iraqi funds
Posted: Friday, January 2, 2004

Britain Says U.S. Planned to Seize Oil in '73 Crisis
The United States government seriously contemplated using military force to seize oil fields in the Middle East during the Arab oil embargo 30 years ago, according to a declassified British government document made public on Thursday.

Manifesto demands Bush change regimes
in other 'rogue' countries

US President George W Bush was sent a public manifesto Tuesday by Washington's hawks, demanding regime change in Syria and Iran and a Cuba-style military blockade of North Korea backed by planning for a pre-emptive strike on its nuclear sites.

Bush Appeals to Iran Pro-Democracy Forces
Given the History of the U.S., what Bush is saying is Coup, Coup.

A Year of Colossal Fibs
signals a need to Escape the Matrix

Top 10 Most Moronic Stories of 2003

U.S. soldier dies in Iraq copter crash
Which was Shot down...

Karzai released 48 high-ranking Taliban

UN hands Iraqi funds to occupying forces
Flashback US hawk admits Iraq war 'illegal'
Flashback Links to Opinions on Legality of War Against Iraq
Flashback Former UN head calls Iraq war 'illegal'

Bush says he is still eating beef
We know! The symptoms were there a long time

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