No Smoking Gun
Posted: Thursday, December 18, 2003

Bush Gets Serious About Killing Iraqis

Lethal Israeli raid on Nablus
Israeli soldiers killed four Palestinians during a raid into the West Bank city of Nablus, one man being shot nine times in the chest.

9/11 Commission Set to Blame Bush

Court: Gitmo Detainees Should Have Lawyers
A federal appeals court ruled Thursday for the first time that prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (search) in Cuba should have access to lawyers and the American court system.

The Suppressed EU Report on Antisemitism

Bush Warned: Don't Push Israel

Bush calls for Hussein's execution:
a portrait of sadism and ignorance

The Colonial Occupation of Iraq
You think the Americans don't know what they're doing in Iraq? They know all too well. Check out, for example, Captain Christopher Cirino of the 82nd Airborne, who told an English journalist in Fallujah a few weeks ago: "The men we are being attacked by are Syrian-trained terrorists and local freedom fighters."

Saddam's capture bodes ill for Bush's re-election
Contrary to what many are saying, Saddam Hussein's capture is a negative omen for President George W. Bush's re-election campaign and points toward continuing disorder and resistance in Iraq. Saddam's ignominious circumstances when he surrendered - hiding in a hole in the ground when he wasn't living in a shed heaped with dirty clothes, eggshells and unwashed pans, with a refrigerator stocked with candy bars and soft drinks - made it clear to all that the resistance to the American occupation was not being commanded from there. So it is wishful thinking to expect his capture alone to slow or end the violence. It may spur the resistance.

Remember 'weapons of mass destruction'?

No "smoking gun" to convict Saddam Hussein yet
Experts said at a Washington meeting organised by the American Enterprise Institute that any trial of Saddam could simply get bogged down over the lack of evidence. "It is one thing to say what we all know about what Saddam did. But it's another to prove it in a court of law," warned Kanan Makiya, founder of the Iraq Memory Foundation, one of the groups helping to draw up a new Iraqi constitution.

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