Posted: Monday, December 15, 2003

We caught the wrong guy
Unfortunately, the real-world script has a lot of pages left to be turned. Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter, reached at his home on Sunday, said, "It's great that they caught him. The man was a brutal dictator who committed terrible crimes against his people. But now we come to rest of story. We didn't go to war to capture Saddam Hussein. We went to war to get rid of weapons of mass destruction. Those weapons have not been found."

Saddam sideshow obscures reality

Notice to Iraq: Let us protect you, or be shot

We got him - what now?
Go ahead and party up a storm if you like. But I have a feeling we're in for one hell of a hangover.

Saddam: We Never Had WMD
Saddam Hussein told his American interrogators that Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction, claiming that they were an invention of the US government to justify an invasion, it was reported last night.

¤ And still, the Iraqis hate us
¤ Saddam Was Already Irrelevant
¤ US Officials and Iraqis Agree That Conflict Will Get Worse
¤ How much will it matter?
¤ Saddam's Capture Means Trouble for U.S. Officials
¤ Saddam's Capture Will Not Stop The Relentless Killings

Capturing Saddam Hussein:
Will It Mean a New Day for Iraq?

The capture of Saddam Hussein is an historic event by any standard. But aside from providing some dramatic footage for global TV audiences, what has really changed, for the people of Iraq, the Middle East, the United States, or the world? Despite the wave of triumphalism that has seized the Bush administration and certain U.S. media outlets, the harsh bottom lines in Iraq remain the same.

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Jessica Lynch captures Saddam

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