Bush boldly going where we went decades ago
Posted: Monday, December 8, 2003

Detained at the Whim of the President

Canada barred from Iraq contracts
The Pentagon has formally barred companies from countries opposed to the Iraq war from bidding on $18.6-billion (U.S.) worth of reconstruction contracts.

U.S. shuts out France, Germany
President's Business Partner Slices Up Iraq

Iran's Nobel Winner Slams U.S. for Hiding Behind 9/11

'War on terror can't be won at expense of innocent lives’

Bush boldly going where we went decades ago

Turkeys on the moon
Dear Mr. Bush,
Well, it's going on two weeks now since your surprise visit to one of the two countries you now run and, I have to say, I'm still warmed by the gesture. Man, take me along next time! I understand only 13 members of the media went with you -- and it turns out only ONE of them was an actual reporter for a newspaper. But you did take along FIVE photographers (hey, I get it, screw the words, it's all about the pictures!), a couple wire service guys, and a crew from the Fox News Channel (fair and balanced!).

Pentagon Punishes Iraqi Civilians Israeli Style

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