'Miserable failure' links to Bush
Posted: Sunday, December 7, 2003

Call to restore Mugabe

Stand firm Robert Mugabe!

Commonwealth is 'Animal Farm'

Bush's lunar lark, but not everyone's over the moon

A Sunday in Samarra

Iraq delays hand Cheney firm $1bn
Boeing 'confident' Pentagon will proceed with 18-bln dollar deal

Iraq morass will take years to fix
Rumsfeld's 'appraisal' visits follow a pattern. He pops in for a day, then, based on what he sees and hears from inside his protective bubble, declares everything to be just hunky-dory.

Funds for Iraq Are Far Short of Pledges, Figures Show

Nine Afghan children die in US air attack

Oil, power and empire: Iraq and the US global agenda
The U.S. government has mustered a dizzying and often shifting assortment of "reasons" for invading and occupying Iraq. At one time or another--sometimes in the next breath--it cited weapons of mass destruction and imminent threats to America, links to terrorism and al Qaeda, liberating the Iraqi people, and transforming the entire Middle East.

Flashback We Will Not Allow US Presence in Caspian

Oh The Little Saddams We Weave
There is a despot in Iraq, ruling with an iron fist from the comfort of his luxury palace on the banks of the Tigris River. He oversees a ruthless military force and a web of repressive domestic "intelligence" thugs that have terrorized Iraqis for decades. His name is not Saddam Hussein; it's L. Paul Bremer.

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Bush disinformation threatens nation

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'Miserable failure' links to Bush

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