Let Them Eat Turkey
Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2003

Recent Visitors to Iraq Question US Tactics

Experts Returning from Iraq Criticize US Tactics
While electricity generation now exceeds pre-invasion levels, markets are plentiful, and virtually all school-aged children are back at their desks, the war for Iraqi "hearts and minds" remains very much up in the air, say independent analysts who have recently returned from that country.

Showdown In Samarra U.S. Claims 'Victory'
But What Really Happened?

Samarra Massacre Will Haunt U.S. in Iraq
President Bush is obsessed with the war on terrorism, especially with the military response to terrorism. This year, the United States will spend around $450 billion for the military, including the costs of the Iraq War, while it will spend no more than $15 billion to overcome global poverty, environmental degradation and disease. How much longer must the world live with Bush's obsession?

US troops' big victory is strangely short of bodies

Let Them Eat Turkey

Stuffed on Thanksgiving

The Post-occupation Power Struggle
Unofficial accounts tell a different story, suggesting that many of the dead were civilians, not insurgents. One shopkeeper said that once under attack, American soldiers began shooting wildly and in all directions. After seeing two civilians shot down, he said he was so incensed that "if I had a gun, I would have attacked the Americans myself". Another eyewitness, a Samarra policeman, gave a similar account. As of Monday, only eight bodies of the official total of 54 had been accounted for and most were reportedly civilians.

Bush Ignores the Developing World

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