Lying and Cheating: Bush's New Political Math
Posted: Saturday, November 29, 2003

The Republican National Committee has shown what President George W. Bush's re-election campaign will be about: fearmongering. Well, he's pretty good at warmongering, so why not play the fear card?

"They Put the Lie to Their Own Propaganda"

A friend in need

Flashback Naked Gun
Don't kid yourself -- and don't let them kid you. When they come at you with that pious sugar, telling you how they're going to protect you, secure you, keep you free, you better run and check the back door – because that's where their goons will be breaking in.

Bush delivers a turkey
Many Iraqis dismiss visit as political

Bush Makes Protesters 'Disappear'
As president, Bush has widened his restrictions on demonstrations against his policies. Anti-Bush protesters are now relegated to what are euphemistically called Free Speech Zones. These areas are cordoned off as far as a mile away from the president and the main thoroughfares, so that Bush cannot see the demonstrators, or their signs of protest, nor hear their chants.

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American foreign policy seems to be founded on the bogeyman fallacy. All we have to do is get rid of the evildoers--Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Fedayeen, Yasser Arafat--and everything will be OK.

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Lying and Cheating: Bush's New Political Math

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