America stirs hornet's nest of revenge
Posted: Sunday, November 9, 2003

Private Jessica says President is misusing her 'heroism'

The Rambo who wasn't

POW's treatment stirs racism allegations
Today, NBC will air its made-for-TV movie celebrating Pvt. Jessica Lynch, whose capture and dramatic rescue is the feel-good story of America's war with Iraq. But some African Americans don't feel so good about Lynch's story. Instead, they ask: What about Shoshana Johnson?

Jessica Lynch: The Dead Witnesses

World protests against apartheid wall
British MPs speak out against Israeli wall

How we denied democracy to the Middle East
We created this place, weaned the grotesque dictators. And we expect the Arabs to trust Bush's promise?

America's Ministry of Propaganda Exposed

Rumsfeld retreats, disclaims earlier rhetoric
Rumsfeld denies he ever made several pre-war statements.

Cheney's Long Path to War
The Hard Sell: He sifted intel. He brooded about threats. And he wanted Saddam gone. The inside story of how Vice President Cheney brought into shady assumptions and helped persuade a nation to invade Iraq

'No President has lied so baldly
and so often and so demonstrably'

Elite forces attack intelligence blunder

Flashback America stirs hornet's nest of revenge

Stuck in Iraq

Red Cross pulls out as more US soldiers fall to guerrillas

First-hand account of Bush's torture by proxy

Bush telegraph not needed
The more American President George W. Bush gets involved in Middle East issues, the more obvious it becomes how deficient is his knowledge of the region. His attempt at preaching democracy to Arab nations would be laughable, were it not so pathetic.

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