Lie after lie after lie
Posted: Friday, October 24, 2003

Flashback Jewish lobby does 'rule' the US

Bush Drops Opposition To
Israel's construction of Barrier

Israel ignores international laws

Thieves Like Us: Cheney's backdoor to Halliburton
Let's begin by following the money from the mounting pile of dead bodies in Iraq to the silk lining of Dick Cheney's trouser pockets. This month the mainstream American press woke up to the long-established fact that Cheney is still receiving oodles of boodle in "deferred compensation" from his old firm, Halliburton, which just happens to be the biggest gorger at the Iraqi trough.

Flashback US 'undermined Chile's democracy'
Flashback Chavez accuses CIA as bombings rock Venezuela

Lie after lie after lie

Parsing official lies

Confusing occupation with liberation

Bush's Afghanistan predicament
Two years after U.S. began bombing Afghanistan the Taliban are mobilizing for 'spectacular attacks' says Bush Administration's special envoy

GOP spin says media makes Iraq look bad
but death is sad reality

George Won't Be Reading This
A simple question for the president of the United States: If you don't read the newspapers, how can you criticize the media coverage of Iraq?

Weapons of Mass Destruction Found in DC
There are no reports on the number of Iraqi soldiers killed during what Mr. Bush described as the "combat phase" of the war, but based upon the "shock and awe" bombing strategy employed by US forces, these could have been several tens of thousands.

Indonesian papers tell Bush where to go

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