Those who broke Iraq should pay to fix it
Posted: Wednesday, October 15, 2003

The Widening Crusade

An Occupied Country
It has become clear, very quickly, that Iraq is not a liberated country, but an occupied country. We became familiar with the term "occupied country" during World War II. We talked of German-occupied France, German-occupied Europe. And after the war we spoke of Soviet-occupied Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Eastern Europe. It was the Nazis, the Soviets, who occupied other countries.

U.S. Vetoes U.N. Condemnation of Israel

Good news from the front - over and over
At least 11 American newspapers published identical or nearly identical letters from soldiers serving in Iraq, each signed by a different person, as a result of a military push to get positive news about the war printed in their home-town papers.

Bush's Cuba focus smacks of Reagan's Grenada stunt
Car bombers strike for a third time within a week in Baghdad. Al Qaeda is reportedly planning new assaults on the United States. Clearly, Fidel Castro is in trouble. Fidel Castro? What does he have to do with Iraq and Osama bin Laden? Nothing, of course, but that may just be the point.

The truth about our good intentions
We do not have brigades of well-meaning volunteers from, say, the Netherlands arriving in our neighborhoods with bold promises of teaching us how to run our schools. We do not have representatives from Singapore engaging in optimistic efforts to reform our legislature, or teams from France trying to develop our media. Scruffy Swedish twenty-somethings, fresh from college, do not take up residence in our midst and teach us about the importance of government-sponsored healthcare.

US Bullies Europeans on Chemical Testing
Literally tens of thousands of chemicals on the market have never been tested for their impact on human health. The chemical industry thinks this is a good thing. Safety testing is too expensive, the chemical companies say.

Those who broke Iraq should pay to fix it

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