No uranium, no munitions, no missiles, no programmes
Posted: Sunday, October 5, 2003

A Rush to War-Now a Rush Out of One?

This gang can't even steal straight
The Bush administration's optimistic statements earlier this year that Iraq's oil wealth, not American taxpayers, would cover most of the cost of rebuilding Iraq were at odds with a bleaker assessment of a government task force secretly established last fall to study Iraq's oil industry, according to public records and government officials.

Iraqis' patience wears thin as America delays handover
When Paul Bremer, the US civilian administrator in Baghdad, appointed the Iraqi governing council, he held out the promise of a significant Iraqi influence on America's postwar reconstruction.

Iraqi council curious about US dealings

Syria: Israel attacked civilian area

Blair 'not welcome' at war service

Ex-Minister Says Blair Knew Iraq Had No Banned Arms

Beaten, abused, chained. This is one Afghan woman's 'liberation'

US claims Iraq vial is 'evidence'
PRESIDENT George Bush said yesterday that a vial of botulinum bacteria found in Iraq was evidence of Saddam Hussein's weapons intent. But the chief US weapons inspector said the vial had been stored for safekeeping in an Iraqi scientist's refrigerator since 1993. He offered no evidence it had been used in a weapons program during the past decade.

No uranium, no munitions, no missiles, no programmes
Last week's progress report by American and British weapons inspectors in Iraq has failed to supply evidence for the vast majority of the claims made on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction by their governments before the war.

Democrats warn of 'profiteering'
in reconstruction contracts

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