WMD: 'You have got to be kidding
Posted: Saturday, October 4, 2003

Blix warns inspectors on dangers of spin
Hans Blix warned the US-led experts hunting for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq yesterday to beware the dangers of "spin" when presenting their findings to their political masters anxious to justify the invasion of Iraq.

The US is determined to suppress
the independent Arab media

We report, you get it wrong

Wave the Flag To Deceive
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." These immortal words of Samuel Johnson leapt to mind when I read Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz’s "Support Our Troops" on the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal (September 2).

Dubious intelligence
For the Bush administration, which has wrapped itself in faux patriotism, accusations that it revealed the identity of a serving CIA agent are a huge political embarrassment and another blow to its sinking credibility.

Iraqis dubious about U.S. contracts
Last month the Iraqi Governing Council questioned why the American occupation authority had issued a $20 million contract to buy new revolvers and Kalashnikov rifles for the Iraqi police when the U.S. military was confiscating tens of thousands of weapons every month from Saddam Hussein's abandoned arsenals.

British troops accused of torturing Iraqi

Theories Abound for Failure to Find WMD

Transfer power or risk more guerilla attacks: Annan

US troops scuffle with ex-Iraqi soldiers; casualties reported
U.S. Soldier Killed in Attack in Baghdad
Seven die in blast near US coalition base in Afghanistan
Afghan bases come under attack

Malaysia PM says disbelieves U.S. claims on Iraqi WMD

WMD: 'You have got to be kidding
To the surprise of few, the head of the Central Intelligence Agency-led survey group hunting for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has admitted in his latest report released on Thursday that none have yet been unearthed.

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