Latest News
Posted: Friday, September 26, 2003

¤ Thousands expected at London anti-war demo
¤ Bush faces growing domestic criticism
¤ The Failure to Find Iraqi Weapons-New York Times spin
Flashback When "Doves" Lie The New York Times plays down anti-war opinion
¤ Terror investigation 'coming undone'
¤ What American Sheep Think
¤ Powell Asking Europeans to Shun Arafat
¤ A War Still in Search of a Rationale
¤ Three dead in attack on Israeli settlement
¤ Before the Era of Insecurity
¤ Bomb Destroys the Media's Illusions
¤ American Psycho
¤ How $87 Billion Could Buy Some Real Security
¤ Three dead in attack on Israeli settlement
¤ The Retreat From Baghdad
¤ The Other Lies of George Bush
¤ Vietnam's Shadow Lies Across Iraq
¤ The totality of the lies
¤ On how to make enemies
¤ Bush's bad news blues
¤ Feeding Frenzy
¤ Back to Halliburton
¤ New Halliburton flap dogs Cheney
¤ A fly on the Oval Office wall
¤ Anger Control in Baghdad
¤ Oil Folly
¤ Rift opens between US and the Iraqi leaders it installed
¤ Time to confront the monopoly myth about good and evil
¤ CIA admits it can't find weapons
¤ 8 Killed in Mortar Attack on Iraq Market
¤ US soldier killed in Kirkuk
¤ Seven US soldiers wounded in convoy ambush
¤ Iraq slips further into turmoil
¤ The retreat from Baghdad
¤ War was justified, Straw tells UN
¤ Weapons and the war
¤ Rumsfeld defends $87bn war request as 'exit strategy'
¥ Oh really... more like his retirement fund.
¤ Annan orders UN staff to leave Iraq
¤ U.N. Cuts Iraq Staff After Second Bombing
¤ Powell Gives Iraq 6 Months to Write New Constitution
¤ Powell Asking Europeans to Shun Arafat
¤ Forget France, the neighbours are restless
¤ Bush finds an ally in Germany, but no troops or money
¤ Brazilian President Heads for Cuba Visit
¤ One death, five versions. Now is the time for Lord Hutton to judge
¤ Kelly's family condemns British government
¤ Accident blamed as 50th UK soldier dies in Iraq
¤ Avoiding an Iraq in Iran
¤ At stake in Iraq is the future of the entire region
¤ Iran: Damned if they do, damned if they don't
¤ Israeli air force grounds 'refuseniks'
¤ Six Palestinians, one Israeli soldier killed
¤ Edward Said dies
¤ Putin's coloring lesson for Bush
¤ Eight killed in held Kashmir violence

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