Israel Vastly Strengthened In Wake Of Iraq War
Posted: Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Bush to World: Drop Dead!
Here were the world's foreign ministers and heads of state, anxiously awaiting some sign of an American concession to realism—even the sketchiest outline of a plan to share not just the burden but the power of postwar occupation in Iraq. And Bush gave them nothing, in some ways less than nothing.

U.S Administration Knew Iraq Could Not Pay
for Reconstruction with Oil Revenues

U.S. says French plan for Iraq won't work
Bush Won't Agree to Quick Iraq Handover
Iraq Plan Calls for Museum, ZIP Codes

Hoon: We let public think 45 minutes related to WMD
Geoff Hoon admitted yesterday he knew the "45-minute" claim at the heart of the Government's dossier on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction related only to battlefield arms and not strategic

Key Phrase Was Dropped from UK Iraq Dossier

Journo claims proof of WMD lies

Media ignores Bush admission that Saddam
not involved in 9-11

U.N. Chief Criticizes U.S. Attack on Iraq

"We Have Proof of the CIA in Venezuela"
First, he said that the main reason was that there were security concerns, the details of which he could not disclose. Second, he said that he does not like UN summits. "I go there and I don't feel like speaking because practically no one listens. It's a dialogue of the deaf; it's silly.

Over 1,500 violent civilian deaths in occupied Baghdad

After failure to find weapons of mass destruction
"I was supposed to find weapons of mass destruction," said Shumaker, of Clarksville, Tenn. Instead, they made him an accountant, "because I was doing nothing."

Sharon is disillusioned by US support,
but that will change

Israel Vastly Strengthened In Wake Of Iraq War

Bush: 'I Don't Read Newspapers'

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