Big lies on Iraq comes full circle
Posted: Friday, September 19, 2003

The Evil of Two Lessers
We Americans don't like history much. We tend to have short attention spans and impaired memory, both long and short-term. Sort of a collective Attention Deficit Disorder

Eight US soldiers killed in Iraq ambush
Three US soldiers die in ambush near Tikrit

US Battles Terror With a Touch of the Spanish Inquisition
Now, of course, I am not accusing the attorney general of pulling out anyone's fingernails or burning people at the stake (at least I don't know of any such cases). But one does get the sense these days that the old Spaniard's spirit is comfortably at home in Ashcroft's Department of Justice

Cheney's old firm's $3bn Iraq bonanza

Are You Syria-Ous?
They're Saying Iraqi WMD Were Hidden In Syria!
It would be funny if it wasn't so ominous. Remember those "weapons of mass destruction" the Iraqis were supposed to be holding, poised to strike us at any moment? Yeah, that's right, the ones that turned out to not exist – or were destroyed after Gulf War I. Or something. Well, anyway, it turns out they aren't missing, after all – they were spirited over the border to Syria! Honest!

Bush’s Iraqi Smoke
The Bush administration long ago set the record for misleading the American people. Compared to President George W. Bush and his minions, Bill Clinton was an amateur. And don’t think that’s a small achievement. It isn’t easy to choose words that will both deceive and allow the speaker to claim later that he did not lie. That takes talent.

9/11 and Missing Case for Iraq War

Big lie on Iraq comes full circle
Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda chief (director of communications, in the current parlance), once said that if you are going to lie, you should tell a big lie. That may be good advice, but the question remains: What happens when people begin to doubt the big lie? Herr Goebbels never lived to find out. Some members of the Bush administration may be in the process of discovering that, given time, the big lie turns on itself.

Another Day, Another Death-Trap For The US
The US authorities in Iraq - who only report their own deaths, never those of Iraqis - acknowledged three US soldiers dead. There may be up to eight dead, not counting the wounded. Several Iraqis described seeing arms and legs and pieces of uniform scattered across the highway.

Useful idiot
The international community, just like Halliburton, the neocons, and the religious right, have discovered the advantages of having a weak and easily led nincompoop in the White House.

Afghan elite seizes land for mansions
as poor lose homes

Baghdad Burning

Utter Lies First, Correct Later: Diplomacy, Neocon-Style

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