The damaging questions keep coming
Posted: Sunday, September 14, 2003

It's no secret: let he who is without spin...

Clueless in Iraq

Angry Iraqis say they've 'had enough'
"We have had enough of the Americans killing us and then just saying 'Oh, sorry!"' said Salam Mohammed, 60, a Fallujah resident and a relative of some of the victims. "We want the Americans to leave our country because they have brought us only death," said Taleb Hameed, a 30-year-old schoolteacher. "We are fed up with their apologies. We will continue our resistance."

Powell sees progress toward Iraqi self-rule

Drug craze is fuelling murder
on streets of Iraqi capital

It was an idyllic, peaceful night - then, boom!

Victory? What victory?

The crusade against 'terrorism'
Bush and his handlers are not protecting Americans by pursuing the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, they are protecting their own political skins

America's hidden battlefield toll
6,000 U.S. Soldiers Medically Evacuated From Iraq

Iraq's Security Weakened by Fear

A helping of crow with those freedom fries?
How times have changed! Now we must go banging our cup, begging for troops and money to pay for the "infrastructure" that we destroyed in Iraq. Bush and his crew called the United Nations "irrelevant" and said that the United States would "go it alone" and called the Germans and the French and the fourteen million protesters "a focus group" that had no bearing on his decision to "Shock and Awe" a sovereign country.

US renews French feud over Iraq

Gunsmoke and mirrors
One terrorist attack, two wars, three tax cuts, four months of guerrilla mayhem in Iraq, five silly colors on a terror alert chart, nine nattering Democratic candidates, 10 Iraqi cops killed by Americans, $87 billion in Pentagon illusions, a gazillion boastful Osama tapes, zero Saddam and zilch W.M.D. have left America split evenly between the president and former vice president.

South Africa condemns Israel

Report on Iraq WMD shelved
as no evidence found by US-UK team

The damaging questions keep coming

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