Making Terrorists
Posted: Friday, September 12, 2003

Wolfowitz Shifts Rationales on Iraq War
With Weapons Unfound, Talk of Threat
Gives Way to Rhetoric on Hussein, Democracy.

Fiscal immorality

America has changed - for the worse

A lesson in the dangers of hubris

The First Two Years of Insanity
The press recently ran stories about Americans reliving the horrors of 9/11 through released emergency-call transcripts that include the last gasps of doomed souls. Am I the only one struck by the extremely odd nature of this story?

Want to know why terrorists hate the US?

US troops kill Iraqi police

Farmer who got a hearing by paying the ultimate price

France urges America to change tack
So what's French for "I told you so"? The papers here - as, one assumes, just about everywhere else on the planet - gave the second anniversary of 9/11 the full treatment: front-page splashes, big colour spreads, extended special reports, you name it.

The perils of fighting 'terror'

How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude

Exploiting the Atrocity

Making Terrorists


Times Change, Principles Don't

Iraq: Creating a Threat Where None Existed
There were no links between Iraq and those attacks, and no evidence has surfaced that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction. The inescapable conclusion is that at the time of the U.S.-British attack on Iraq, that country posed no terrorist threat to the United States and no threat of attack with WMD.

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