The Stench, Two Years On
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003

The Pinochet files
A series of declassified US documents have revealed the extent of America's role in the Chilean coup.

Bush's New War Lies
In a healthy democracy, the grave act of going to war wouldn’t be justified under false pretenses and false impressions. Plus, government officials responsible for spreading false rationales wouldn’t be allowed to slide away from the first batch of lies and distortions to begin offering a new set of slippery excuses.

Straw admits he wanted 'killer' words in dossier

How dumb do they think we are?

Solving The Enigma Of Bush's Character
While President Bush may have many flaws, lack of character is not one of them. Unfortunately, the character that Bush has in such abundance is that of the double-talking charlatan who fleeces the rubes with a never-ending series of scams.

American Misperceptions

Strategy on Pyongyang is wrong, Bush told

Protesters disrupt Rumsfeld speech

For every $1 they give in aid,
they take $2 through unfair trade

We do our best for the world's poor. Perhaps our aid budgets are not as large as they could be, but we do what we can. Wrong. Through the complex web of taxes, tariffs and quotas that governs trade we take far more from the poor than we give them. For every $1 we give in aid, we take $2 through unfair trade. Unfair trade costs the world's poor $100bn a year.

Fixing Iraq Bush's way won't make America safer
President George Bush called Iraq the "central front in the war on terrorism" in his televised address to the American public on Sept. 7. This is a drastically inaccurate assessment. If President Bush is trying to sell the horrendously expensive Iraqi reconstruction to the U.S. citizenry as a primary defense measure, Americans are truly facing a crisis in leadership.

Two die as Israel continues
careless assassination policy

Knifeman Stabs Swedish Foreign Minister
Flashback: Swedish Foreign minister angers Israel with comments

The Stench, Two Years On

Another Phony Justification for Invading Iraq
There’s at least one big problem with that justification: It is the U.S. government’s own interventionist policies in the Middle East — including the 13 years of brutal economic sanctions on Iraq which contributed to the deaths of multitudes of Iraqi children — that are directly responsible for terrorist attacks against America in the first place.

Have thugs will travel

America's dirty torture secret

Indians protest at Sharon visit

Sleeping with the enemy

The US is trying to have its cake and eat it too!

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