Thugs in Business Suits
Posted: Tuesday, September 9, 2003

You know, $87 billion is a lot of money

Path of Lies: 9/11 to Iraq

Rumsfeld Is Muted On Weapons Hunt

The President's Address: A Suggested Script
President Bush addressed the nation on Sunday night concerning the war on Iraq. Rather than concede that the United States has not found any weapons of mass destruction since they did not exist to be found in the first place, Mr. Bush came hat in hand, and asked for another $87 billion to pay for a nebulous war on "terror."

Less Secure, Isolated and Dead Broke

Who's Winning the War on Terror? Sorry, George

Deja vu all over again

He must admit the error of his ways
How can the president tell us with a straight face that we taxpayers have a patriotic duty to cough up $87 billion more to enable him to sink us deeper into the Iraq quagmire of his making? That's a lot of money on top of the $79 billion already appropriated by Congress in April — enough to bail out California and every other state experiencing a budget crisis because of economic problems this president has only exacerbated.

Thugs in Business Suits
Paul Bremer's taste in clothes symbolises "the new Iraq" very well. He wears a business suit and combat boots.

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