Signs of desperation
Posted: Monday, September 8, 2003

Bush wants $87,000,000,000 more
to continue Operation Quagmire

The Bush Speech Spinning a Fiasco
Listening to President Bush's address last night, which--despite a single line of contrition--was clear proof that the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld strategy in Iraq has been a fiasco.

The War in Iraq is Not Over
and Neither Are the Lies to Justify It

Signs of desperation

Bush and the Echo Chamber
Globalizing the Whirlwind

Bush said -- as I read later on the web -- Security Council members who were disgusted and repelled by what the United States did and continues to do in Iraq "now have an opportunity and responsibility to make sure Iraq becomes a free and democratic nation" (as Fox News put it).

Weapons of Mass Destruction in Our Midst
So, when it comes to the only major biological attack conducted against the United States, the available information points to the likelihood that the attack originated in the United States, using technology and techniques developed as part of a defensive biological weapons program that was a product of bad intelligence about Iraq's biological weapons program.

Iraq isn't working

Perpetual War, Waste
Bush told the nation he would spend whatever it takes to maintain these military adventures abroad, even as rising death tolls, bombings and threats raise doubts about whether they are making America more secure. The United States already has a military budget that costs this country roughly $400 billion annually, but Bush wants U.S. taxpayers to spend more on his war games.

George, Ariel, Bill and Roy: Setting 'examples
George W. Bush. Ariel Sharon. William J. Janklow. Roy Moore.
What do they have in common? They're all nuts, of course. They have also proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that none of them are fit for their jobs.

Bush Struggles With Iraq Burdens
President George W. Bush never wanted to give that speech last night, and it showed on his face. He was much happier in May, when he landed on an aircraft carrier and gave an upbeat victory talk, all in front of a banner proclaiming, "Mission Accomplished." But now four frustrating months later, he had to concede that the ongoing mission in Iraq "will take time and require sacrifice."

Protests at arrest of al-Jazeera reporter

In Iraq, one incident, two stories

This is really a war on dissenters

Bush bid to steady Iraq jitters

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