Who's Counting the Dead in Iraq?
Posted: Friday, September 5, 2003

Lessons not learnt

Why Doesn't the Prez Visit the Wounded?
I was dismayed when the occupying power in Iraq manufactured thousands of decks of playing cards depicting Iraqi leaders and officials, simply because it was a vulgar and amateurish propaganda antic that would achieve little except fawning publicity on Fox News and various rabid talk-in programmes.

Quagmire? What quagmire?

'This is no good, sir!'

We Were Warned About This Chaos

Seeking Help, Wanting Control

We can win the war in Vietnam
I love the smell of quagmire in the morning. My, but it takes you back, doesn't it? The only thing left to say is that there is "light at the end of the tunnel." But everything else has already begun to play itself out. We have even seen the resurrection of that Orwellian mantra "winning the peace." If I had been just a few years older in the Vietnam era, the deja-vu might kill me.

The U.N. and Iraq
Hey, Let's Call in the UN

US isolated as Europe scorns plea for more troops in Iraq
Europe-US gulf widens
'Old Europe' says no to Bush again

Beware, American friends!

Reality check

Bush Moves On
Dear Credit Card Company: I know I still owe on my balance, but I won't be paying, because I'm moving on. Dear loved one: I know I behaved badly, and I guess I should apologize, but I've moved on. Dear police officer: I realize I exceeded the speed limit considerably, and I know I'm supposed to pay a hefty fine, but I won't be, because I've decided to move on.

Who's Counting the Dead in Iraq?

Does God bless more than America?
Given the morass our world is in, does this slogan mean that God should bless America but smite Saddam loyalists in Iraq, North Korea's leaders and maybe even the French for their irritating warnings that we were about to get into a quagmire by invading Iraq? Or should God merely ignore our enemies?

China leads for foreign investors

About as American as apple pie in the sky

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