The US is slip sliding into an abyss
Posted: Wednesday, September 3, 2003

A Power, Yes, But Not Super
The United States was chastised recently by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for its reckless tax cutting program which has contributed greatly to the increased the size of the US federal deficit. The IMF expects the US budget deficit to exceed $550 billion over the coming years, a staggering five percent of America's yearly economic output.

Deficit? What deficit?

Yearly Iraq Occupation Cost May Reach $29B

Can We Afford To Occupy Iraq?

The Pentagon's Bungled Psyops Strategy
Iraq Isn't the Wild West, It's the Wild Middle East: the Cultues are Wildly Different

They’re Back in Town Don't Miss the Show!
"I'm glad Americans got rid of Saddam, but conquering us was not a good idea. Americans have harmed this country, and traces of the occupation will remain a long time. You never thought how to save Iraq, only how to conquer it in order to terrorize and warn the entire world. I can't believe that four months after they won the war they have still not restored basic services like electricity and water. So who's worse, Saddam or the Americans?"

America is building a world order


The blind prophet
Before the war, President Bush told us Iraq was a throbbing hub of terror.
It wasn't, of course. But it is now

Remember how we got here

Oops! Iraq chaos may cloud Bush's Sept. 11 legacy

The US is slip sliding into an abyss

The occupation is responsible for all this blood

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